Modern Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi (2008), 5/4:122-142
Telif Hakkı © 2008 Ankara Üniversitesi
DOI: 10.1501/MTAD.5.2008.4.53

Journal of Modern Turkish Studies (2008), 5/4:122-142
Copyright © 200
8 Ankara University
DOI: 10.1501/MTAD.5.2008.4.


Meşrutiyetten Cumhuriyete Bir Hukukçu ve Siyasetçi: Mustafa Şeref Özkan (1885-1938)



II. Meşrutiyet dönemi, siyasî, sosyo-ekonomik, kültürel ve fikrî birikimleriyle Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin siyasî olduğu kadar siyaset kurumuyla beraber, ekonomi ve kültür kurumunun ideolojik kuruluşunda kilit bir rol oynamıştır. Cumhuriyet devrinin siyasal elitleri, II. Abdülhamit ve II. Meşrutiyet döneminde yurt içi ve yurt dışı imkânlarla yetişen nitelikli insan gücünün tecrübe ve birikimini temsil eder. Bu siyasal yönetici elit içerisinde Mustafa Şeref Özkan da bulunmaktadır. Mustafa Şeref Özkan, II. Meşrutiyet döneminde yurt dışında hukuk eğitimi alan az sayıdaki öğrencilerden biri olup, modern Batı hukuk sistemini taşıyıcı kimliğiyle, hem Osmanlı hem de Cumhuriyet döneminde hem bir eğitimci, hem de bürokrat olarak mühim katkılar sağlamıştır. Mustafa Şeref Özkan, İttihat ve Terakki iktidarında, I. Dünya Savaşı evresinde, fırkanın üst düzey bürokrasisinde ve fırkanın iktisat ve ziraat siyasetlerinde otuzlu yaşlarında itibaren yer alarak, başarılı çalışmalarıyla yetkinliğini ortaya koymuştur.  Onun bu evrede kriz yönetme tecrübesine Cumhuriyet devrinde güvenildiği anlaşılmaktadır. 1929 Dünya Ekonomik bunalımının Türkiye’deki etkilerinin yönetimde, özellikle devletçi ekonomik uygulamalarda belirleyici olduğu dikkate değerdir.


Mustafa Şeref Özkan, İttihat ve Terakki Partisi, II. Meşrutiyet, ziraat, İktisat, devletçilik, millî iktisat

Alındığı tarih: 8 Kasım 2008
Yayıma kabul edildiği tarih: 10 Aralık 2008
E-yayın tarihi: 13 Ocak 2009

Yazışma Adresi:
Seyfi Yıldırım, Dr., Hacettepe Üniversitesi Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi Enstitüsü, Beytepe/ANKARA, Tel: 0312 297 68 70. Faks: 0312 299 20 76


A Jurist and Politician from The Second Constitutional Era to Republic: Mustafa Şeref Özkan (1885-1938)



The Second Constitutional era had a great effect to found the political, social, economical and cultural program of Republican era. It is possible to consider this impact on the idea of democracy, constitution and the connection of this with state organization. Mustafa Şeref (Özkan) was one of the prominent bureaucratic figure as politician not only in last days of Ottoman Empire but also in Republican era. He studied abroad in Paris, between the years of 1908-1913, in Paris School of Law. He was one of the rare students who sent abroad for the formation of law. When he returned to home, he was appointed as assistant of professor, to Law Schools in İstanbul and Konya. In 1913 He was appointed to the post of permanent undersecrataryship in the Commerce and Agriculture Ministery. One year later he has been minister of Commerce and Agriculture Ministery of the last Union and Progress Party’s cabinet, during the first World War. His formation on jurisprudence and economics, in early years of his carrier, made him decision maker and planner of economical crisis of war times. Economic policies of that period which by Unionist ideological thinking called “national economy” or “State economy”. Mustafa Şeref was one the main figure who practiced this economical doctrine. He participated also in War of Independence and believed in his learderhip, Mustafa Kemal Pacha. When the new state was found, and proclamed Republican regime, he was deputy of Burdur. His success how to do and handle with crisis, specially planning a socio-economical program in critical times proved his ability and he tranfered this crisis handle experience to Republican era. His experience during the WWI was also considered  to handle economic depression in 1930’s.  He has been minister of economy in İnönü’s cabinets, in 1930-1932, and defended statism in the organization of economy as remede to the impacts of this depression in Turkey.


Mustafa Şeref Özkan, Union and Progress Party, statism, national economy, impact of 1929 depression in Turkey.

(Received November 8 2008)
(Accepted December 10 2008)
(Published Online January 13 2008)


Address for correspondence : Seyfi Yıldırım, Dr., Hacettepe University, Institute of Atatürk’s Principles and History of Revolution, Beytepe/Ankara, Tel: 0312 297 68 70. Fax: 0312 299 20 76



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