The aim
of the journal is to publish original researches or original contributions of recent developments at the Turkish republics and societies and reviews to
existence literature on Turkology. It also publishes occasional special issues principally
devoted to particular themes. Papers should consist of original work which has
not been published or presently submitted elsewhere.
papers written in Turkey Turkish, English or Russian are considered. If these
languages are not the first language of the author(s), it is strongly
recommended that a Turkish (English-Russian)-speaking colleague be asked to go
over the paper before it is submitted. Manuscripts should be e-mailed to the
Editor of JMTS at
or a disk version of manuscript should be sent to:
Prof.Dr. F. Sema Barutcu Özönder
Ankara Üniversitesi
Dil ve
Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi
Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatları Bölümü
06100 Sıhhiye
. Ankara
Review Process
paper, if considered suitable by the Editors, will be refereed by two anonymous
referees, and the editors may recommend revision and re-submission. Book reviews
are not subject to this review process. The editor and the associate
editors will do all tracking of manuscripts and referees. JMTS will not review
submissions previously published elsewhere, through print or electronic medium.
Manuscripts will be returned to the lead author when the review process is
complete. Rejected
papers will not be returned to authors.
of papers: Your manuscript should be no longer than 10000 words.
Overlength papers will be returned to the authors for shortening. Manuscripts are acceptable, especially Word and any RTF file.
Title page: The
first page of each paper should indicate the title, the authors’ names, the
institute where the work was conducted, contact and e-mail addresses and a short
title for use as running head. The number of figures and tables should also be
Full address: The exact postal address of
the corresponding author complete with postal code must be given at the bottom
of the title page. Please also supply phone and fax numbers, as well as e-mail
Key words: A list of 3–10 key words should
be included for indexing purposes. Key words used in the title must be repeated
Abstract: The abstract should be restricted
to 1 page and should summarize the entire paper, including the results. The term
‘will be discussed’ should be avoided, as should abbreviations and
citations. Abstracts should be prepared both in English and Turkish.
Text:The text of the manuscript should
comprise the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods,
Results, and Discussion. Within each section, successive levels of
subheadings (if used) should be clearly distinguished.
Acknowledgments (if appropriate) should be added at the end of the text.
Footnotes should be avoided; if essential, they should be numbered
consecutively and typed at the bottom of the appropriate page.
Citations Lengthy citations (over
40 words) should be displayed and indented in the text. Citations should
comprise the name(s) of the author(s) – use ‘et al.’ when there are three
or more – and the year of publication, in chronological order. Work in
preparation is formally cited as ‘[unpublished observations]’, and these are
assumed to be those of all (and only) the authors. If otherwise, first initials
and last names should be used, as for ‘[personal communication]’ from a
colleague, as neither appears in the References.
References in the text should be presented
as follows: the author's name and year of publication in brackets, together with
the page numbers, e.g. 'As Korkmaz (2003: 22-3) has observed, or, in a more
general reference: 'Korkmaz (2003) appears to be saying'.
Tables: Each table should bear a heading
incorporating the table number (in Arabic numerals) and title; if necessary, a
key to symbols in the table should appear beneath the table.
Figure legends: Figure legends should be
numbered and listed in order. If a figure has more than one part, the legend
should begin with a short description of the figure as a whole before each
individual frame is described or referred to.
Figures: Illustrations for publication must
be professional quality drawings or photographs. The figure number, author and
‘topic’ should be clearly indicated on the bottom of each figure.
Electronically submitted b/w half-tone and color illustrations must have a final
resolution of 300 dpi after scaling, line drawings one of 800–1200 dpi.
Illustrations included in your manuscript should be either in .gif or .jpg
Abbreviations As far as possible, please avoid the use of initials, except for terms in
common use. Please provide a list, in alphabetical order, of abbreviations used,
and spell them out (with the abbreviations in brackets) the first time they are
mentioned in the text.
Your typescript needs to be typed using single spacing on A4 size paper, with
left- and right-hand margins at least 3 cm. Do not divide a word at the end of a
line. Do not justify the right margin of the text. Manuscript pages should be
easy for reviewers and editors to read and should be checked carefully to avoid
spelling and referencing errors.
Jargon or unnecessary technical language should be avoided.
The list of references should be ordered alphabetically according to the first
author’s surname of each references. The surnames of the authors followed by
initials should be given. Cite all authors, ‘et al’ is not sufficient. These
should be followed by the year in parenthesis, the title, journal, volume and
complete pagination. If there are more than one source of an author then they
should be listed according to their publication year; sources of the same author
published in the same year should be given as Korkmaz Z. (1992a), Korkmaz Z.(1992b). Do not use abbreviate journal names. Internet sources should be
indicated by giving the date(s) and moreover should be stated in the References.
The references should be listed in full at the
end of the paper, in the following style:
(a) Süreli yayınlarda basılmış
EREN H. (1950) "Sibirya Türk dillerinde Moğol unsurları", Türk Dili Belleten, 14-15, 35-43.
KORKMAZ Z. (1959) "Türkçede -acak/-ecek gelecek zaman (futurum) ekinin yapısı üzerine", Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(1-2), 159-168.
SHATZ M., WELLMAN H., SILBER S. (1983) "The acquisition of mental verbs: A systematic investigation of the first reference to mental states", Cognition, 14, 301-321.
SHÔGAITO, M. (1995) "Uygur Text of the Boddhisattva-carya – Pelliot Ouïgour 4521", [Japonca,. Annals of Foreign Studies 31, 33-96, Faksimile: 21 levha, 75-96.
b) Tek çalışmalar:
EGOROV V.G. (1964) Etimologiçeskiy slovar' çuvasskogo yazika. Çeboksari: Çuvasskoe knijnoe izdatel'stvo.
RÄSÄNEN M. (1957) Materialien zur Morphologie der Türkischen Sprachen. Helsinki: Studia Orientalia.
LAKOFF G., Johnson M. (1980) Metaphors We Live By. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.
LANGACKER R.W. (1991a) Concept, Image, Symbol: The Cognitive Basis of Grammar. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
LANGACKER R.W. (1991b) Foundations of Cognitive Grammar , Vol. II: Descriptive Application . Stanford: Stanford University Press.
(c) Edisyon kitaplar:
MAUE D. (1983) "Zu den Dentalen im Brahmi-Uigurischen", Sprachen des Buddhismus in Zentralasien içinde, (K. RÖHRBORN and W. VEENKER), ss. 53-64, Wiesbaden.
PUTZ M. (ed.) (1994) Language Contact and Language Conflict. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
(d) İnternet
ALIŞIK, G.S. (2006) "Şeybânîler Dönemi için Kaynak Araştırmaları: Mihman-Name-i Buhara II", Modern Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt. 3, Sayı 2, Mart 2006, 103-131. (06.12.2005)
which have been accepted for publication will become the copyright of the
journal and may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part,
without the written consent of the publisher.
It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce
illustrations, tables, etc. from other publications.
Journal of Modern Turkish Studies
The Department of Modern Turkish Dialects and Literature
Faculty of Letters
Ankara University
06100 Sıhhiye . Ankara