Новые подходы к анализу художественного дискурса (на материале английского и узбекских теоретических предпосылок)
Nazliya Z. NURMURADOVA (НОРМУРОДОВА Нозлия Зариловна)
MTAD 2015,12(1):33-48; DOI: 10.1501/MTAD.12.2015.1.4
E-yayın Tarihi: 10 Ağustos 2015
Makale (PDF 895 KB)


New approaches to the analysis of literary discourse (on the material of English and Uzbek theoretical assumption)
Nazliya Z. NURMURADOVA (НОРМУРОДОВА Нозлия Зариловна)
JMTS 2015,12(1):33-48; DOI: 10.1501/MTAD.12.2015.1.4
Published online: 10 August 2015
Article (PDF 895 KB)


The article discusses modern requirements to the theoretical aspects of foreign language acquisition, highlights the importance of such sciences as communicative linguistics, linguopragmatics, cognitive linguistics, cultural and cross-cultural studies and underlines the necessity to include them into syllabuses and course of studies. The article highlights new approaches to text linguistics and its close relationships with communicative linguistics, cognitive linguistics and linguoculturology. It is claimed that a satisfactory account of text can only be arrived at by means of the communicative, cognitive and culturological studies. 

Foreign language, communicative, cognitive, culturological studies, text linguistics.



Before we have published two pages of “Tonguç” and “Şafak” texts which we have obtained from V. Y. Gankeviç. Now by publishing the whole text of “Şafak” we’ll analyse these two journals’ index and try to identify in which conditions, preparations and thoughts Ismail Gaspirali started his journalism and literary life. This is the conclusion we have came from these texts: Before he started to journalism he investigated, thought quite a lot about the problems and situation of Turkish and Islamic world. Firstly he decided to solve the education problem and to spread Turkic consciousness by fixing dynamic islamic thought without superstitions through the society during his whole life.

İsmail Bey Gaspıralı - Ismail Bey Gaspıralı Special Issue, Türk-Tatar Jadidism, Türk-Tatar Jadidists, 19th Century - Beginning of 20th Century Turkish and Islam Worlds, Russian Tsardom, Tercüman newspaper.



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Yazışma / Correspondence:

Nurmuradova Nazliya Zarilovna (Нормуродова Нозлия Зариловна), Filoloji Bilimleri Adayı, Özbek Devlet Dünya Dilleri Üniversitesi, İngiliz Dili Stilistiği Bölümü Başkanı.

Adres: Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков кафедра стилистики английского языка, ул. Кичик Халка Йули, 21а Ташкент, Ташкентская область 100138.

E-posta: :

Alındığı Tarih/Received Kasım/November 23 2015



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